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Timber Toby is 4 years old today!

This handsome boy is at our office every day. If you visit you can rub him behind the ear providing you give him a treat. Most days he gets a walk with Pup Country, Jamie and Jessica. Happy Birthday Timber Toby!

Crane Mats on a barge deck

Those are ITP 12" x 48" x 20' Crane Mats being used to flatten and strengthen the floor deck on a barge. The barge is about 50' wide and the mats are 40' wide on top. The great thing here is they can bolt...

Happy New Year!

We would like to wish all of our business partners a good 2022.

A quote for 2021! When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on!

Timber Stop Logs T&G

These Timber Stop Logs feature a "tongue and groove" design with a gasket to reduce leakage. The gasket is protected inside the "groove" and will stay in position as the logs are stacked. The gasket is easily replaced if it gets damaged. These particular...

Pipe saddles for 72″ Diameter Pipe

These large diameter scoops are for carrying large section piles on a barge where the danger was that they could roll. The scoops makes a nice stable "saddle" for the pile to sit in. Call us for any type of pipe saddles

Timber Stop Logs with end detail

These logs were built to accommodate a galvanized metal shoe, the shoe slid on to each end of the Stop Log and had the lifting mechanism included. Lots of work to detail for a perfect fit!

Crane Mat Bolts

Our steel bolts are made with 95% recycled steel, primarily from Canada. Our bolts are manufactured in BC, not imported. We support local manufacturing in our business, we hope you do the same!

Timber Blocking

These Douglas Fir #1 and btr blocks are going to be creosote treated and used by the railways. 8" x 12" x 27" complete with 2 holes 2" diameter. They are a spacer block. You think it, we can usually make it!

Landscape Sign Posts

We supplied these Landscape Posts for trail markers, they are 12" x 12" with a teepee top, they were treated, set in the ground and signage was added to each side. They established boundaries and trails. Kind of an interesting job! If we had...

Timber Stop Logs with Neoprene Seals

These Timber Stop Logs were made for a dam project in the US Midwest. You can see the Neoprene seals inset into the bottom of the stop logs. This helps to control some leakage through the Stop Logs. Notice also the lifting "ears". This...

Hardwood Jack Blocks with handles

These hardwood jack pads are built for companies repairing rail cars. The jack pad is placed between the rail car (steel) and the jack stand (steel) to stop it from sliding. These ones feature a user friendly "luggage" handle set into the end. 

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