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BC Old Growth Timber – it’s always complex

Read up on the status of BC’s Old Forests in 2021

Resource Works – 5 Forestry Facts – 2021

Old Growth Forest Practices on BC Coastal areas….some better reporting

Forestry in BC: Setting the Record Straight

– On Vancouver Island alone, 860,000 hectares is considered old forest (>250 years old), of which 520,000 hectares or 62% is protected.
– Old growth is not being harvested “down to the last tree”. Coastal forests (on Crown land) generally are projected to have a relatively stable annual allowable cut over the next 100 years at a sustainable rate of ~15 million cubic metres.
– There is no evidence that a “forest management crisis” exists once all relevant factors are examined.
– The Fairy Creek watershed is not “southern Vancouver Island’s last intact old-growth forest”, an oft-repeated claim despite the fact that at least 10 other nearby watersheds are also intact and feature old growth.

Sustainability and BC Forests

Access Mat Information

This document provides a detailed outline of all aspects of a 3 Ply Fir Access Mat.

Why Use Access Mats?

The Access Mat Industry serves many industries and has many different applications. This document covers what access mats are used for and why they are the industry choice.

Preventing Cross Contamination When Using Mats

Preventing cross contamination on multiple job sites is as easy as using newly manufactured ground protection mats, which have not been previously installed on any site.

Access Mat History

History of the 3-Ply Access Mat industry in Canada (1998-2018).

Lifting Pressure – It’s all about Outrigger Pads

Pressure remains an interesting phenomenon, whether it is hydraulic pressure inside a cylinder or ground pressure resulting from a transporter tire or crane outrigger.

Canada’s Oil Sands: A Vital National Asset

Countries around the world are developing rapidly – and raising their demand for modern energy services along the way. Renewables will play an increasing role in this energy future, and Canada is among the leaders internationally.

A Guide for Resource Roads and Wetlands

A great publication from FPInnovations and Ducks Unlimited Canada.

Resource Works

Resource Works is a non-profit research and advocacy organization supporting a respectful, fact-based public dialogue on responsible resource development in B.C.

Click here to visit their website.

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